Unshackle yourself by Unleashing Your Dream Team

Develop and implement personalised strategies to build your high-performing team (in just 3 days), so you can eliminate the overwhelm and get back to focusing on building the life and business you dream about!

In this program tailored specifically to consultants, I will personally guide you step-by-step through implementing the frameworks I used to build my team and scale my multi-million dollar consulting business.


Getting on the
Same Page

No-one can be successful if they don't know what success looks like. Setting clear expectations, measuring progress and communicating clearly are key.

Setting Great

It should be crystal clear where the decision making boundaries & authorities are in place so that you have the right level of information, input and approval.

Get Out Of
The Way

The best thing you can do when you hire great people is set them up for success and get out of the way. Give them the tools and information they need & let them shine!


This is a personalised, implementation focused program where I will personally deep dive into your consulting business and build you a framework that will make your dream team expectations a real-world reality.

Here's how it works:

Building your dream team starts with you! We'll deep dive into your business, your needs and your vision to get crystal clarity on what having a dream team looks like to you.

In step three we create alignment, leveraging your individual strengths, and building a framework for collaboration that delivers real and lasting results.

Next up, I'll do an assessment with your core team to understand their strengths and capabilities, and identify the missing links to transform them into your secret superpower.

Building success habits take time, so we'll check in regularly for a few weeks to overcome roadblocks and refine your framework to ensure it sticks.

This is for you if...

  • You've got at least one team member
  • You are a consultant or expert service provider
  • You're feeling burned out, overwhelmed & stuck
  • You're struggling to find or keep great people
  • You're feeling like the bottleneck that stops your team getting stuff done
  • You're weighing in on every task & decision
  • You're growth is hindered by time limitations
  • You're an action-taker & you're ready to make big things happen

This is NOT for you if...

  • You're still a solo operator
  • You're a product-based or e-commerce business
  • Your biggest challenge is lead generation
  • You're looking for a magic wand solution
  • You are stuck in an 'I have to do it all myself' mindset 
  • You're not ready to commit to making change and taking action
  • You're not ready to invest in your success


If you're thinking this may be for you, book a call below so we can develop your dream team success strategy.

If you're looking for these results...

Multiethnic group of young people sitting in conference room and brainstorming on business meeting


Frances is an absolute ninja when it comes to building the structures and frameworks that build successful teams. It's made a massive difference in how I recruit, train and empower my support team and I'm more productive and focused than I've ever been as a result.  Thank you Frances!!

Nikki - Brand Expert

...book a strategy session here.


This framework will set you up for success so you can stop wasting time, money and energy learning through trial and error, and fast-track your road to freedom.

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Develop a clear and actionable framework that aligns and unites your team, so that everyone can seamlessly play their role.

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Implement and embed the core elements of your framework on the spot so you can start seeing immediate and impactful changes.

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Get support and guidance through the process to ensure that new ideas become consistent and reliable success habits.


Hello! My name is Frances, and I am a productivity ninja who works with time-poor consultants just like you, helping them unleash the power of their team and create more time in their life for the things that matter.

I've dedicated my 25+ year career to becoming ridiculously efficient with my time, building world-class teams, and implementing kick-ass tools that make business easy. I practice what I preach and only share my tried and tested frameworks and methodologies.
I'm here to help you do the same.
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I've worked with large corporates and scaling SME's across a broad range of industries, including:

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Frances is an absolute superstar! She has an amazing ability to quickly unpack and understand your world, your business, your people and your processes.  Frances is then able to turn your chaos into an organized structure. Almost like magic- she asks questions, listens patiently and then presents back a neat, organised and much more logical solution. 

Frances is supportive, calm, easy to work with, encouraging and above all really clever. 

Macala Squire
Founder of Arrow Training Services